“SPRING FORWARD”, Barrett Art Exhibit
The Barrett Art Exhibit, now displayed in UCENT bottom floor (adjacent to Barrett Suite 164). Entitled, “Spring Forward”, the installed exhibit (March 16-May 17), showcases six Barrett artists’ work (2 photography, 1 inkwash, 2 painting, 1 mixed paint/drawing). Come check it out!
Also, plan to attend the 4th Annual Urban Gallery Exhibition which will celebrate the arts and community from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, April 3 at the University Center at 411 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix. This exciting free event is part of First Friday and will include award-winning artwork from community organizations and artists, ASU Emeritus faculty and Barrett Honors College students.
“The campus will be filled with the sights of ASU graduate dance students performing with urban youth, live art demonstrations such as painting, kids’ crafts, pottery- and jewelry-making. Diverse music, poetry and dance performances also will be provided by Barrett Honors College, local organizations and sponsors.”
Three additional Barrett artists (2 photography, 1 cartoon art) will display work on easels for the April 3 First Friday event there will be six performing artists/groups who will be on the various stages throughout UCENT on that April First Friday.