Follow our students as they live the Barrett life at the Downtown Phoenix Campus!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Who should take this class?
a. Any Barrett student who needs some assistance in starting the thesis process, particularly those students who need structure, accountability, and a schedule to keep them on track.
Who is the instructor?
a. Various ASU and Honors faculty and staff will facilitate each course session, including Faculty Honors Advisors, Barrett advisors, and ASU Writing Center Directors.
What if I cannot attend all 6 sessions?
a. Attendance is mandatory for enrolled students (only 1 excused absence allowed), however, each session will have limited spots open to the Barrett student community. Non-enrolled students can “drop-in” on any class session, provided space is available.
I’m enrolled in the Thesis 492/493 course, should I also take this course?
a. This class is really intended for students who are at the very beginning stages of developing a thesis idea, and therefore the course content might not be relevant for students who are already enrolled in the 492/493 courses. However, all students might benefit from some of our sessions and they are encouraged to drop in on any session of interest.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Barrett Downtown Fall Welcome Week 2010!
Barrett Downtown Fall Welcome 2010!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Take our survey for a chance to win a $100 prize package!
Prize package includes:
-4 AMC Movie Passes, AND
-$75 of various ASU paraphernalia from the campus bookstore
Don't wait! Survey closes Sunday, June 27 at 11:59 p.m.
Click here to take survey
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Barrett Film Festival! April 22nd, 6-8pm

Film Descriptions:
The Barrett Film Festival
Thursday, April 22nd
Location: Cronkite Theatre (Cronkite Building, room 202) ASU
Downtown Phoenix campus, 555 N. Central Ave.
Film Descriptions:
"Living Homeless: Kids on the Street"
Approximately 1.3 million homeless and runaway kids live on the streets in the United States. It may be easy to pretend that youth homelessness is not a problem, but it is. This film centers around two homeless youths in Tempe, Arizona trying to live their lives without a stable home.
Tara Prindiville
“Silent Voices: The Underrepresentation of Native Americans in Local News”
This documentary explores the importance of Native Americans in the newsroom and the influence the group has on news coverage. The program examines why are not more Native Americans represented in local news stations.
Colton Shone, winner of the Edward R. Murrow Award for Broadcast Journalism
“Lodestar: A Holistic Haven for Help and Humanity”
The homeless population of the Valley of the Sun relies on the Lodestar Day Resource Center. The LDRC takes a holistic approach to homelessness and believes in re-instilling the client with personal identity, instead of providing just a bed and a hot meal. This documentary looks at the LDRC’s services, agencies and resources and how they have changed lives. The goals of the project were to provide the LDRC with a resource and to dispel stereotypes about the homeless.
Jessica Andrews and Denica Moodey
“Mixed Rice: Japanese Americans and Interracial Marriage”
This documentary considers Japanese Americans and the increasing prevalence of their marriages to non-Japanese individuals. Since the end of World War II, intermarrying among Japanese Americans has increased well over 70%, with the most common marriages being between Japanese Americans and Caucasians.
Maxine Park
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Barrett Fee Increase Proposal Survey
As many of you may have heard, Barrett will be presenting a proposal to increase the Barrett fee to the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey, as it will provide us with data on student support or opposition to the proposal. Please read everything within the survey carefully, as your responses will have a large impact on the future of Barrett. The survey is now open; the last responses will be accepted at 6 p.m. Thursday, January 21 (TODAY).
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Barrett Art Exhibit - Call for Artwork
Attention ALL Barrett Students!
Looking for an opportunity to showcase your creative talent? Your artistic flair?
Apply now!
Application Deadline: Friday, February 5th at 5 p.m.
We are looking for “ready-to-hang” artwork (paintings, drawings, photography, collages, select sculptures) from current Barrett students to display in our Barrett Downtown Art Space.
(You do not need to be an art student to qualify—all majors are welcome to participate!)
With two installations per year, this year-round exhibit space is located on the ground floor of the University Center building at the ASU Downtown Phoenix campus. Various students, faculty, local community members, and visitors pass by this space on a daily basis and enjoy the artwork. Take advantage of this opportunity to display your artwork and represent Barrett, The Honors College.
Our next installation will extend from March 16, 2010 through August 4, 2010, and it will include a public viewing on Friday, April 2, 2010 in conjunction with Artlink’s First Fridays and the university’s Fifth Urban Gallery Exhibition.
· Artist must be able to attend the Urban Gallery Exhibition - Friday, April 2, from 5 to 9 p.m.
· All artwork must be submitted in-person to the Barrett Downtown offices by March 12, 2010.
· All artwork must be framed and ready-to-hang. (i.e. should have a wire or similar hanging mechanism on the back side of the piece.)
· Artists must arrange for work to be collected on August 4, 2010
E-mail Jennifer.Kitson@asu.eduwith the following information by 5 p.m. Friday, February 5th:
1. Name, ASU ID
2. E-mail address
3. Phone number
4. Major, year/status
5. Artist Statement: 75-100 word statement (e.g., about the artist(s), the artistic process and/or the artwork)
6. Genre (i.e., painting, photography, collage, etc.) NOTE: Artwork MUST be framed and ready-to-hang
7. Title of work
8. Description (i.e., dimensions/materials)
9. For sale? Y/N
10. Photo: Attach a high-resolution digital photograph of artwork to e-mail
· Friday, Feb. 5 at 5 p.m. – Application Deadline for Spring-Summer Installation (March 16, 2010 – August 4, 2010) in the Barrett Downtown Art Space
· March 1 – Selection and notification of acceptance to Fall-Winter Installation
· March 16, 10 a.m. to noon – Deliver and install artwork, University Center Building, Downtown Phoenix campus
· March 16 through August 4 – Artwork on display
· Friday, April 2 – Urban Gallery Exhibition & First Fridays Artwalk, 5 to 9 p.m.
· August 4, 10 a.m. to noon – Students arrange to collect artwork, UCENT
General Rules & Regs:
Eligibility. This invitational is open to students who are enrolled in Barrett, The Honors College, on any of the four ASU campuses. Submissions depicting/referencing illegal activities cannot be considered; and all artwork must be approved by the DPc Vice President’s office prior to display.
Restrictions. Image size and number is limited by the space that Barrett has been allocated for the exhibition. Any single artist may submit a maximum of four works. A ”storyboard” will accompany each work/installation to support educational engagement and offer context; therefore, any submissions that do not include the 75-100 word statement will not be accepted.
Sales. Artists may sell their work; ASU does not require any percent of the proceeds of sales occurring through the Exhibition; artists determine the distribution of 100 percent of the proceeds from sales.
Insurance & Liability: Neither ASU, nor Barrett, The Honors College, assumes liability for any damage to pieces on loan and the artist should self-insure art as appropriate. Artists must sign a liability waiver upon delivery of their artwork.